Strong Historical Society has been collecting and preserving the history of Strong for future generations since 1971.
The organization operates the Vance & Dorothy Hammond Museum.
Selected Strong Historical Society images:
Main Street through "the village," Strong, ca. 1890
A "Take-Out Dinner" fresh from the brook, Strong, ca. 1895
Employees of C. V. Starbird sawmill, Strong, ca. 1910
Franklin House, Lower Main Street, Strong, ca. 1915
Spring freshet over Mill Stream dam, Strong, ca. 1910
G.A.R. Post No. 134, Strong, ca. 1890
Methodist Episcopal Church, Strong, ca. 1905
Ox team, Upper Main Street, Strong, ca. 1910
Richardson family, ca. 1896
G.A.R. picnic, Strong, ca. 1895
Charles Forster's Toothpick Mill, Strong, ca. 1900
Amos Dolbier Starbird family of Freeman, ca. 1886